Monday, December 26, 2011
Monday, December 05, 2011
1,000,000 IQ Drop!
1. The Malay idiomatic expression "Lari macam lipas kudung"
2. The late Biduanita Saloma's real name was Salmah Binti Ismail
3. Masak Lemak Cili Padi originates from Negeri Sembilan
4. Dondang Sayang is a traditional song/dance of the Babas
5. Kenyir Lake is in Terengganu
However the contestants' choice for answers were:
1. "Lari macam semut"
2. Salma Binti Hayek (which is, actually Salma Hayek of Desperado fame and definitely NOT Puan Sri Saloma!)
3. Johor
4. The Minangkabaus
5. Perak
Extremely easy questions, yet the contestants FAILED!
Transmitted by Alpha at 21:00 4 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Heavy Metal Is Good For You!
Transmitted by Alpha at 17:00 1 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
If This Is A Consular Ship, Where Is The Ambassador?
Transmitted by Alpha at 17:00 0 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Muzium Ouessant Melaka
Hairan jugak, lagi zaman Information Teknologi berkembang, masih ada yang tak dapat maklumat.....
Transmitted by Alpha at 11:12 2 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Monday, October 17, 2011
Doing Islam A Disservice
Transmitted by Alpha at 13:07 1 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The Headhunters!
Transmitted by Alpha at 10:05 0 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Labels: urban legends
Sunday, October 09, 2011
Man On The Moon Revisited (Again!)
Bear in mind that it was a SCIENCE teacher who said that.....
As a note:
3. About the last point, has the teacher never heard of liquid oxygen?
Transmitted by Alpha at 14:47 3 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Labels: hoax
Monday, September 26, 2011
The Hunt For Football Jerseys
Transmitted by Alpha at 16:20 1 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Monday, September 12, 2011
Buta Sejarah (Edisi Spin Control)
Itu hari aku dah post pasal baghal yang buta sejarah. Kali ni aku nak post pulak pasal si baghal yang sama cuba nak kembalikan kredibiliti dia.......
"Sila lihat nama-nama yang terukir sebagai pejuang di Tugu Negara,ada anda lihat nama-nama yang kemelayuan? Adakah tiada askar melayu yang berjuang di dalam mempertahankan negara?
Adakah semua orang melayu ketika itu bersembunyi...takut? Atau hanya tentera Brittish yang berjuang dalam mempertahankan Tanah Melayu dari serangan atau tawanan Jepun?
The Naval War Memorial juga adalah sebuah tugu yang di bina untuk menghargai jasa semua askar yang terkorban di dalam peperangan.Memorial ini terletak di Plymouth Hole (Plymouth HOE la bongok) yang terletak di Bandar Plymouth,United Kingdom.
Artikel blogger berkenaan dipos dalam forum oleh orang yang sama menyokong idea bahawa Leftenan Adnan et al, anggota polis di Balai Bukit Kepong cuma berkhidmat untuk penjajah dan tak layak dipanggil wira....tapi kat sini anggota MRNVR yang terkorban ketika Perang Dunia Kedua secara langsung atau tidak dianggap mereka sebagai wira pula walaupun situasi mereka sama dengan Leftenan Adnan. Double standard tahap terkeji atau cubaan nak menutup malu? (Yang menyebabkan dia terjerat sendiri...sampai sekarang mangkuk tu tak jawab pertanyaan aku kenapa anggota MRNVR tu patut disanjung tapi Leftenan Adnan dikeji..padahal ikut dia mereka semua tu sama-sama berperang 'untuk penjajah')Kebanyakkan tentera dari Tanah Melayu ini adalah tentera laut yang berjuang bersama-sama tentera Brittish yang lain.
Sempena bulan kemerdekaan tahun ini kita sedekahkan Al-Fatihah kepada semua tentera Tanah Melayu yang terkorban. Al -Fatihah.
Gambar diatas jelas menunjukkan British lebih melayu dari melayu itu sendiri. Di England, nama melayu terpahat ditugu memorial tetapi ditanah air sendiri, melayu diabaikan.
Kepada anak muda Malaysia sesekali pergilah melawat tugu negara dan fikirkan fakta-fakta yang terpahat di situ kemudian cuba fikirkan dari siapa kita merdeka."
Dan pasal dua perenggan terakhir dalam posting blog tu...sekali lagi la aku jemput dia untuk ziarah Muzium TD kat Port Dickson tu. Dan aku nasihatkan kat dia, toksah la nak jemput-jemput orang, diri sendiri pun jahil lagi....pergi sendiri! Lagipun situasi 'nama kat tugu' tu pun sama aje....Nama-nama MRNVR tu kat Plymouth, bukan kat London..sama macam nama-nama anggota pasukan keselamatan...kat Tugu Negara kira secara umum, butirannya kat PD.....
Transmitted by Alpha at 10:15 1 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Monday, September 05, 2011
Buta Sejarah
Ni dipetik dari blog seorang blogger yang boleh tahan kebaghalan dia....
Mari sama-sama kita doakan askar-askar kafir British ini semoga roh-roh mereka dicucuri laknat kah kah kah... (kalau ada askar British yang beragama Islam doa ini terbatal)"
Transmitted by Alpha at 15:52 4 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Johnny Foreigner
OK, I know, this entry is terribly outdated but I have to write it somehow.
Transmitted by Alpha at 11:33 2 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
95 Or 97 (or 100?)
Transmitted by Alpha at 12:02 0 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Autobot Adham
Transmitted by Alpha at 12:11 1 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Roads We Travel
Transmitted by Alpha at 11:08 2 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Under The (South China) Sea
Transmitted by Alpha at 10:29 1 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Teksi Plastik
Transmitted by Alpha at 10:48 2 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Monday, May 09, 2011
'Power' In Almost Anything!
Transmitted by Alpha at 14:12 0 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
The Little Boy Who Loves Cars
Transmitted by Alpha at 11:09 1 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
It's The Final Countdown!
Transmitted by Alpha at 08:42 2 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Friday, March 25, 2011
Car Crazy
Transmitted by Alpha at 19:00 1 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Wild Bukit Pasir
But that was some 20 to 30 years ago.....
Transmitted by Alpha at 14:52 1 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Rain Of Death
During the last couple of days, I have received the following text messages and e-mails:
Transmitted by Alpha at 10:38 3 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
"Pale Blue Dot"
Transmitted by Alpha at 14:30 3 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Sunday, March 13, 2011
"Idiot Of Idiots"
Transmitted by Alpha at 09:31 0 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Sunday, March 06, 2011
Han Solo He Ain't
Transmitted by Alpha at 11:18 4 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Things We Did...All Those Years Ago
Pompeii Writ Small
Transmitted by Alpha at 11:53 2 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Monday, February 14, 2011
SGPV : What 'They' Really Want
Transmitted by Alpha at 16:49 1 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The Six Billion Ringgit Question
Displacement: 2000 tons
Displacement: 1700 tons
Displacement: 1,840 tons
Displacement: 1,900 tons
Displacement: 1,275 tons
Displacement: 580 tons
Displacement: 3,000 tons
Displacement: 2,784 tons
Transmitted by Alpha at 09:50 0 Distinguished Visitor(s)
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Sub Base Nearby = The Whole Area Is Enemy Target?
Kota Kinabalu open to enemy attack
David Thien
| February 2, 2011
A surreptitious decision to park two offensive attack submarines in Kota Kinabalu has scared its citizens.
KOTA KINABALU: The federal government’s clandestine move to turn Kota Kinabalu into a naval city has angered its citizens who fear for their safety.
According to several local inhabitants here, there was “no notice of such a decision and no public feedback was sought”.
The Sapangar Bay Naval Base, just north of Kota Kinabalu, is said to house two offensive attack submarines that can lay sea mines and fire missiles besides sinking ships with torpedoes.
Jesselton, the former name for Kota Kinabalu, was totally destroyed by bombs during the Second World War except for its damaged clock tower and two other buildings.
Many of the city’s inhabitants and historians are concerned that the secretive decison (sic) to stack such weapons would endanger the community.
Said Amran, a lecturer with a tertiary college, here, said: “The positioning of the submarines just south across from Cam Ranh Bay Naval Base in Vietnam and the Spratly Islands South China Sea lane choke point may expose Kota Kinabalu to military strikes in the event hostilities break out (against territories) which Malaysia is also claiming.
“Also, Vietnam has reportedly ordered more than six submarines from Russia… it is cause for concern.”
Vulnerable to attack
Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, Malaysia’s longest-serving Defence Minister, was the architect of many of the procurement of military hardwares.
In addition to the Kota Kinabalu naval base, Malaysia has a lagoon-sheltered base and airfield on one of the bigger islands.
Yusof, a retired serviceman upset with the move, said any enemy would seek to first destroy the base.
“Any enemy would want to put out of action any mine-laying and missile-launching vessels by destroying their bases and supporting facilities including food and water supply sources.
“We cannot assume that such a situation will not arise…” he said.
Underscoring his concern is the fact that Malaysia is among six countries staking a claim on the Spratly Islands.
Other countries staking their claim on the oil- and gas-rich Spratly Islands are China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines and Brunei.
All except Brunei have a military presence among the 45 islands.
The basis of Malaysia’s stake on the Spratlys is its close proximity to Sabah. (Emphasis added by me)
Oh well, that's the quality of internet news portal to you!
Transmitted by Alpha at 10:22 6 Distinguished Visitor(s)