Wednesday, April 28, 2010

They Are Everywhere!!!

By this time most of you readers have already heard of Freemasons and Illuminatis, right? Well if you haven't, there's always Google! And that these two secret societies are secretly (of course) in the process of putting the world under their influence? Subliminally they are influencing us through seemingly innocuous words and symbols like the All-Seeing Eye, the pyramid and various triangular shapes.

Now, if you think the symbols are just limited to the US 1 Dollar Bill, the current Animal Planet logo are wrong!! Their symbology has been adapted by our culture without anyone realising it! You don't believe me? Then consider these evidence:

OK, that is a pair of an average bra. Notice how we can draw a triangle as defined by the shoulder strap and two of the edges of the cup And the triangle is the most recognisable symbol of the Freemasons. Furthermore, since a bra is a 'pair', we have two triangles and two triangles make that most feared of all symbols..the Star Of David!

Now this is a pair of briefs...notice how the shape of the briefs readily allows itself to be used subliminally by the Freemasons? The reverse side is also triangular and two triangles make...yep, another Star Of David!

The pyramid is another Masonic symbol. Just look at the US One Dollar Bill and it's there for all to see. Ok what does the pyramidal shape has to do with us Malaysians? We don't use US Dollars for everyday transactions. Yes, that's right but has anyone ever noticed the shape of the packaging of nasi lemak? Banish from your thoughts that particular part of the female anatomy. This is is a serious matter!

Those makciks selling nasi lemaks are all part of the conspiracy..who knows, they might even be members of the Freemason. Scary huh?

And finally.....our good old squat-type toilet....notice how the hole represents the 'All-Seeing Eye' and that the shape of the bowl is basically triangular?

Yes, I am actually taking the mick out of those conspiracy theorists! So there is no need to burn your bras, wearing boxers instead or briefs, burn makcik nasi lemak at the stake or rip up all squat-type toilets in your home! They cannot be behind everything you know!

This entry is not entirely my idea though. Even though I am very sceptical of the conspiracy theories, I have never thought writing a sarcastic piece such as this. The original article can be read at

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Siapa yang tak ada stiker di kenderaan dia? Paling kurang mesti ada stiker road tax...dan kebanyakan kita ada stiker parking pass samada untuk tempat kerja atau kediaman. Ada yang pasang stiker untuk tunjuk alma mater dia, team bola pujaan dia, negeri kelahiran dia atau benda khusus yang menjadi minat dia (macam aku, penuh stiker TUDM...hahaha).

Ada juga yang pasang stiker kat kereta sampai kereta tu dah jadi macam kereta rally, Japan GP atau Drift...kalau yang betul terlibat tu OK la jugak...cuma kengkadang kelakar la pulak ada kereta tampal 'ADVAN' atau 'RECARO'....padahal pakai Sime Tyre atau kerusi asal aje....

Ada juga yang tampal stiker polis, kastam, jabatan penjara dan lain-lain agensi keselamatan dan ketenteraman awam serta Bar Council dengan tujuan nak lepas dari kena saman ('saya nak cepat ni Encik, ada court case kat blablabla'). Kenkadang rasa macam bongok juga polis yang termakan umpan camtu.....logik ke lawyer pakai Wira tahun 90an lagi?

Tapi yang buat aku terbakar ialah bila aku nampak kereta tampal stiker gambar kerusi roda - kira nak claim dia pemandu OKU dan boleh letak kereta kat lot khas untuk OKU la i.e dekat dengan pintu masuk kompleks. Pak Guard pulak tak kuasa le nak tengok betul-betul, terutama masa kenderaan tengah banyak. Dalam hati aku...'korang ni jadi OKU betul baru tau!!'

Thursday, April 15, 2010


A few days ago, a number of Malay newspapers published a story about a Malaysian lady who broadcasted her wedding ceremony to her family in Simpang Renggam through video conferencing. While I still think that she should return to Malaysia (or bring her parents to LA) for the ceremony, it shows just how much technology has moved forward within a relatively short time period. Long distances can be virtually shortened via fibre-optic cable and that events on the far side of the world can be made known to the other side within seconds really, instead of hours.

Which brings me back down memory 1996. Well during the year
1. Internet is already available and I can get Malaysian news in the UK via Utusan, Berita Harian or The Star online although download time was really terrible....took a few minutes (if not several) to download a 100kB photo! Physical newspapers were available at the library but it would be at least outdated by one week! Furthermore the webpages at that time looked very drab...even this 'create post' page looks more vibrant!

2. Contacts with the family in Malaysia was via letters (or snail mail if you like). By the time my family read them, the content would again be outdated by at least a week! Sure, I did use reverse-charge calls or have a fistful of 1 Pound coins for IDD calls but they costs $$$. Nowadays you can just have a good network connection, a webcam and microphones all for free ( or at least at a more affordable cost)

3. OK there were already emails and chatrooms but just how many people have personal email in Malaysia at that time? Those chatters were mainly Malaysian students from around the world and the chatters from Malaysia were mainly employees of network providers (and the local students of course)

3. Laser printer? What are those? The main type of printer was the dot-matrix one (nowadays mostly used for printing bills). Laser printer do exist but they occupy a table of their own and were only available at the main computer lab at my University - which means that if I want to use it, I have to go there instead of the residential hall lab. And oh, I have to bring the 3.5" floppy disk with 1.44MB capacity. Nowadays the very much smaller USB flash drive can store 256GB!

Despite the pioneering nature of the internet at that time, we still managed to get news of what happened at home and elsewhere around the world. Conversations over the phone also brings news from home. And not long after I came back home, the internet moved in leaps and bounds...and makes me wonder how that idiot of a film director (and an academician to boot) can make a character in one of his movies (who studied in the UK for the past 7 years) totally oblivious to what happened in Malaysia - he gawked in wonder at the KL International Airport and totally loses himself when he saw the signs toward the Sepang International Circuit ("Eh kat Malaysia dah ada F1?"). This is a movie set in the 2000s (2003 to be exact). KLIA is already in operation since 1998 and the SIC hosted its first F1 in 1999! So where have this character been? The UK or Mars? Or that the script was actually written in the 70s and has never been updated?

Sunday, April 04, 2010


Siapa yang tak pernah tengok kemalangan? Baik dari yang melibatkan diri sendiri mahupun orang lain. Baik secara depan mata sendiri atau di kaca TV. Ada dua kemalangan yang aku saksikan yang sedikit sebanyak bagi trauma jugak kat tuan punya blog ni.....

Aku dah lupa tahun bila tapi pastinya kat simpang maut Asun, Kedah. Kemalangan dah berlaku di PLUS hala utara masa aku dengan wife menghala ke Alor Setar. Yang aku nampak satu Proton Wira dengan hood dah kemik dan windscreen berderai. Betul2 depan Wira tu ada satu kapcai dan dalam dua meter depan kapcai tu satu mayat. Dalam 10 meter dari mayat pertama terbujur mayat kedua. Muka2 mereka dah ditutup dengan akhbar dan yang traumanya ialah.....darah mengalir banyak atas jalan....Bila aku balik dari Alor Setar dalam dua jam lepas tu, sisa darah masih ada atas jalan...malah dalam seminggu dua masih ada lagi!

Tu cerita 'dah eksiden'. Kalau jadi saksi kemalangan...banyak kali jugak le. Ada yang nak buat aku tepuk tangan (kes mat rempit tunjuk terer la ni) ada yang buat darah jadi sejuk.....tapi aku rasa kejadian PC-7 terhempas baru-baru ni yang rasa aku paling melekat sampai bila-bila. Apa taknya, lepas PC-7 tu buat vertical climb, dia nak masuk stall turn (rasanya), tapi bila menurun pesawat tu dah bergoyang-goyang...dalam otak aku 'Allah, stall ke? Spin ke?' Bila pesawat tu hilang dari pandangan...hati aku kata 'Eject! Eject!'. Tak lama lepas tu dengar bunyi dua letupan (kemungkinan satu kerusi anjal keluar, satu lagi bunyi pesawat terhempas). Diikuti asap hitam berkepul.

Tapi ye lah dah takdir Allah, juruterbang meninggal dunia...kemungkinan terlalu rendah, atau bila dia keluar dia terlanggar pokok atau luar safe ejection envelope. Innalillahiwainnailahirajiun......